"Fly Fishing Caribe is a custom-made fly fishing and travel oriented company. We specialized in organizing trips by scouting and finding destinations suitable for each client, with the expertise of more than 20 years of experience in the market."


Flyfishing for Tarpon and more from Chetumal Bay
Chetumal Bay

Chetumal is located on the east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico in the northwest corner of Chetumal Bay. The waters are incredibly diverse and have all of the Grand Slam species available offering year-round opportunities for bonefish, tarpon, permit, and snook.


Recommended flies at our destinations

Dry Fly
Goddard Caddis

Flies at our destinations:

Bonefish Fly
Deep Water Crazy Charlie

Flies at our destinations:

Wet Fly
Black & Red Muddler

Flies at our destinations:

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Recommended Travel Insurance

Fly Fishing Caribe strongly recommends that you enroll with Global Rescue prior to embarking on your trip.

Click HERE to complete
the Enrollment Form

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